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3. Duties of the Office Bearers

3.1 President:
He /She shall,
3.1.1. Shall be the chief executive, and all responsibilities rest with him/her.
3.1.2. Shall preside over all meetings.
3.1.3. Shall guide and lead the Executive Committee towards the fulfillment of the Aims & Objectives of JRCPAA.
3.1.4. Shall take disciplinary actions as required.
3.1.5. Shall spearhead all programs, projects, and activities of JRCPAA, and shall take appropriate steps and measures to achieve such programs and projects.
3.1.6. Allocate responsibilities to the Vice-President and other members of the Executive Committee.
3.1.7. Shall supervise and monitor all activities of the Association.
3.1.8. Shall control & be responsible for Fiscal discipline.

3.2 Vice-president:

He / She shall
3.2.1. Will assist and support the President in achieving Aims & Objectives of JRCPAA.
3.2.2. Will be allocated responsibilities by the President, and will discharge them under the supervision of the president.
3.2.3. Will chair committee meetings in President‟s absence.
3.2.4. Suggested divisions could be as: communication, administration, finance, Projects. However, the President may at his discretion allocate tasks as per the exigencies of the situation.

3.3 Secretary:
He / She shall
3.3.1. Shall call all meetings as advised by the President.
3.3.2. Shall maintain minutes of all meetings.
3.3.3. Will issue minutes of meetings within seven calendar days of the meetings held.
3.3.4. Shall issue general circulars, notices, etc.
3.3.5. Shall be responsible for the administration of the association.
3.3.6. Shall receive all applications for membership and place them before the committee for approval.
3.3.7. Shall transact all routine business subject to the direction of the committee.
3.3.8. Shall prepare the annual report.
3.3.9. With the help of the Treasurer ensure that books of accounts are audited and placed before the Annual General Body.
3.3.10. Shall maintain the member‟s data bank.
3.3.11. Shall check and scrutinize all bills payable and place them to the President for authorization of payment.

3.4 Joint Secretary:

He / She shall
3.4.1. Will assist and support the Secretary in the execution of his duties and responsibilities.
3.4.2. Duties and responsibilities will be allocated to them by the Secretary.
3.4.3. Will officiate for the Secretary in his/her absence.

3.5 Treasurer:
He / She shall
3.5.1. Shall collect and receive all subscriptions, collections, cash and grant receipts thereof.
3.5.2. Shall keep and maintain the Cash Book, and other accounts as necessary for audit.
3.5.3. Shall operate the bank account along with Joint Treasurer.
3.5.4. Shall disburse all amounts authorized for payment.
3.5.5. Shall prepare audited accounts for the Annual meeting.

3.6 Joint Treasurer:

He / She shall
3.6.1. Shall collect and receive all subscriptions, collections, cash and grant receipts thereof.
3.6.2. Shall keep and maintain the Cash Book, and other accounts as necessary for the audit.
3.6.3. Shall operate the bank account along with Joint Treasurer.
3.6.4. Shall help Treasurer to prepare audited accounts for the Annual meeting

3.7 Social media (Facebook page, JRCPAA’s website) Admin:
He / She shall
3.7.1. Maintain Alumni official website and Facebook group page, YouTube channel, etc.
3.7.2. Maintain member's online database,
3.7.3. Convey all notices, decisions of the Executive Committee to all members through Alumni website,
3.7.4. Ensure that all posts by the members on the Facebook group page are based on the JRCPAA's rules & regulations.


3.8 Annual Magazine in-charge:
He/She shall
3.8.1. Ensure that the magazine be published during the alumni meet every year
3.8.2. Ensure that the funds in the form of advertisements, donation etc. be collected with the help of other committee members.
3.8.2. Ensure that the notice for the call for writings be published in proper time.


3.9 Committee General Members
Each member shall discharge their duties as and when allocated by the President.
3.9.1. Will establish a data bank of members.
3.9.2. Will collect subscription from their members, and raise funds as required.
3.9.3. Will support and help the Executive Committee in planning and execution of projects.
3.9.4. Will raise funds for projects.
3.9.5. Will organize social get together.
3.9.6. Will keep the Executive Committee informed about their activities.
3.9.7. Will roll and enroll members as per the guidelines of the Executive Committee.

©2019 by JRCPAA

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